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Head In The Clouds

Books, Book Reviews, And Random Musings

Undeadly (Harlequin Teen)

Undeadly (Harlequin Teen) - Michele Vail
"Sometimes, you choose your destiny, sometimes it chooses you, and sometimes...it's a little of both."

Undeadly is about a girl named Molly who is a necromancer-in-training. The world Molly lives in is full of people who have "pet" zombies and a world where spirits are the new "illegal" slaves. Everything is going along normally for Molly until the night of her sixteenth birthday when she has a dream/vision of Anubis and accepts his challenge to become one of his chosen. But Molly isn't just one of the chosen, she's THE chosen. Her destiny is to become Anubis' champion when Anubis' uncle Set breaks free from his prison. After having the Anubis vision, things start to go downhill; first her new love interest falls and cracks his head, then she accidently resurrects him but kind of makes a mess of it, she finds out her family isn't what she thought, and then she is shipped off to a new boarding school where students are turning up dead.

"Not feeding a zombie isn't like not feeding your cat. He. Will. Eat. You. And your cat. People who forget to pick up a case of Ghoul- AID sometimes don't live to regret it. Capisce?"

The beginning starts off a little slow due to all the backstory that needed telling in order to get readers up to speed but a few chapters in and things speed up. Michelle Vail does a really good job of keeping readers interested even with all the info that she has to go over and really gives the book a decent pace once things start rolling. I also loved how Michelle created a world where Molly doesn't have to hide her necro abilities from anyone. It's refreshing when a book world is set up so the characters don't have to hide who they are. Though that does change a little after she starts school.

"You will sweat. You will bleed. You will ask for mercy and not get it. Get stronger. Get meaner. Get reaper."

There are a lot of surprises that turn up and a sense of mystery because there is a lot about her family and destiny that Molly doesn't know about. The end took quite a turn and the epilogue leaves you dying to know what happens. I'm excited to see where the next book takes Molly and what her relationship with Rath will evolve into. Not to mention the battles brewing between Anubis and Set. Overall it was a fantastic and exciting read that I highly recommend to fellow readers.

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