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Head In The Clouds

Books, Book Reviews, And Random Musings

The Here and Now - Ann Brashares

I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Ok, so this book!? Wow! The whole thing seemed so realistic (okay obviously time travel doesn't seem realistic but maybe someday?). The way the world fell apart seems very similar to the road we are heading down so that really upped my anxiety level. 

Aside from that The Here and Now was a quick paced, suspenseful read. It starts of with a prologue from the POV of Ethan but the rest of the book is told from Prenna's view. I've heard some describe the romance to be a touch of instalove but I felt like it wasn't. The characters have had a couple of years to grow together that we don't witness so I feel like the relationship developed slowly but came to a head while we were reading. I really loved the relationship between Ethan and Prenna, I liked that they didn't rely on each other to do anything but that together they seemed to be stronger. There wasn't a whole lot of secondary character development but I'm okay with that because in my opinion the story didn't require it. While some of the story reads like any other dystopia-ish book (people in charge aren't necessarily looking out for the good of everyone) it still had its way of keeping me fully committed and interested. 

The ending killed me! I read somewhere that this is a stand alone and I'm really hoping that isn't the case! Because while I loved the book the ending has left me feeling empty and needing more answers!